Three of Cups

Three of Cups

Three of Cups indicates that the crisis has passed, your work has produced good results and something good is on the way.  Your talents and sensitivity lie hidden just beneath the surface – allow your metaphysical interests to develop.  Open your heart – deep fulfillment is realized through love – give and receive it.  Love is a relationship – share your ideas, your touch, your projects and your growth.  Follow your heart and you will know joy, your hopes will be complete and there will be a happy conclusion.

Success – the beginning of a new lifestyle and the commencement of a love which is mutual.  You have the gift of an abundant communicating heart – the ability to communicate feelings, especially the nurturing, positive, lighthearted feelings of love.  The emotional riches that you experience are shared with friendship and hospitality.  You love to celebrate your mutual accomplishments and you work well with others because you bring out the best in them.  People reveal aspects of themselves that they normally couldn’t share.  Your natural grace, rhythm and harmony make you enjoyable to be around – you inspire others with your belief in them and in their capabilities.

First the ends, the results of our alliances established in the Two of Cups, then the means by which we hope to create the tranquility of a security/foundation in the Four of Cups.  Here are the fruits of your emotional choices and decisions.  Emotional/creative life flourishes – love of what love can bring.  Joy.  Children/happy issues, creative issues, projects of love.  Love growing and expanding.  Commitment, sociability – opening up emotionally and continuing to open up – but still predominantly one-on-one …  not necessarily limited to a mate or romantic/sexual partner.  The results of love, affection and sex.  The effect of the mind on the emotions pushes you forward to experience, to feel more in a completely positive sense.

Questions to Answer:

  1. How have you been enjoying yourself?
  2. How do you relax with others?
  3. What is bringing you joy?
  4. What talents do you have and how have you been using them?
  5. What do you want to communicate or share with others?
  6. What cause is there for celebration in your life?

Special Messages:

  • Next to Hierophant: Expect an unusual or unconventional gathering or meeting.
  • Next to Death: Expect a complete change in your lifestyle or work – much like starting all over again.
  • Next to Temperance: Take your time now, adapt yourself to the new experiences and get accustomed to the exciting changes.

Special Messages based on card position:

In the first position: This is a path of emotional responsibility, family in its most obvious guise.  But, this responsibility can take many forms.  Here the path is one of intimacy and involvement, an intertwining of paths that produces additional paths.

In the second position: Your greatest physical/material resources come from what you have produced from your emotional/creative partnerships.  In one most obvious sense of this from one’s children, in the physical/material assistance they offer.  But it can also be from the jewel produced in a creative partnership, such as a stage play.

In the third position: Expect the joyful fruits of your labor.  This is a time when you should want to produce, to seek and enjoy evidence of your heart’s enterprises.  Something new is being created – there is a joyful birth here.

In the fourth position: The ideal of children, of creative issue, of generating something new and vital in partnership with an other/others, speaks loudest to your heart.

In the fifth position: You are thinking about fruition, expression, creation.  You are planning for expansion in your Emotional Plane, out of the relationship(s) you have already established or out of the creative groundwork you have already laid.  As with the germination of an idea, here is the seed of emotional growth planted first in the mind.

In the sixth position: The heart reacts as relationships respond to the growth in your emotional world.  You become bigger in the coming year with desirable additions/extensions in your Emotional Plane.

In the seventh position: The love of truth and the urge for understanding push you forward into new emotional, creative dimensions.  Here is the impact of the products of your fertility on your Mental Plane.  What you have been doing based on your emotions must now pass the test of mind.

In the eighth position: Review the general meanings, as one or more of these aspects of emotional fruition and growth are present in your world now or they will be in the near future.  This should be a time of fullness and excitement as you are filled with the energy of new life, new possibilities.  You are able to witness and enjoy the results of your love and creativity, perhaps the birth of a child or project.

In the ninth position: You may not be consciously thinking about fruitation, expression and creation – the expansion of your Emotional Plane, but these are the concerns of your heart and of your subconscious mind.  Here is the seed of emotional growth rooted in the heart.

In the tenth position: Healthy issue in your Emotional Plane, the next step in your expression/experience of love.  This could have come earlier, but it is appropriate here.  This may be the child you have been waiting for or perhaps the birth of a creative idea or project.

2 thoughts on “Three of Cups

  1. Betty Faulkenberry

    I enjoy and find meaningful the way birth in this message. I have numerous new creative ideas I want to give birth to this year 2019. Many of these ideas are related to helping and being with children to encourage then to bring forth their many creative ideas into reality. Thanks for a most inspiring message.

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