Crystal Clear Reflections Tarot Divination Home Page
Copyright © 1983 Crystal Clear Reflections

Home page of Crystal Clear Reflections Tarot Divination. Here you can begin your journey into the Metaphysical Study of the Tarot Cards. We have provided you with everything you will need to get started. You can view the “Card Spreads” to select various card lay-out styles you might want to try. My personal favorite is the “Celtic” spread. Once you have selected a card lay-out, you can view the card divination for any card in the Tarot Deck (both upright and reversed meanings).
Each card has a well spring of information. Please take note that ALL the information will not apply to your situation. As you read the divination, note the areas where you find yourself experiencing an “emotional response” to what you are reading – these will be the areas you need to pay attention to. If you read something and it makes no sense, or you find yourself saying “what has that to do with anything” simply ignore it – that message was not for you at this time. I hope this information will help you on your journey.
No need to join anything, using the website makes you a member of this Tarot community – we have no meetings, etc. the site is a free source and here to help people come to know themselves – blessings to you as well!
I would like to join your tarot community. my name is Lena, and I live in Tasmania. Mt passion for tarot has spanned over 40 years. I too am an artist. many thanks and blessings to you .
Yes Jeff, I have scheduled a pickup for Saturday afternoon around 1pm and it is being lasered as we speak. Could you tell me what kind of error message you received? I have been concerned that orders are not getting completed, so your input would be invaluable. I sent you an email from your PayPal order confirming the order and the scheduled pickup. It is such a new area of my site that I am still working out the kinks. Thank you for your patience. I look forward to your response. Diana
Did my order go through? I was charged but got an error message from your site
I thought everything was OK, it is fine on my computer, I checked the phone and see that there is a problem with the lower levels of each section. I will have this fixed as soon as possible. Hang in there. I was attempting to open a new Store with specialty TAROT items.