The Relationship spread is used by readers to explore their relationships with others by exploring the needs and views of both parties. Think of your relationship with a specific person and click below.
- Your View of Your Partner
- Your Partner’s View of You
- Your Needs
- Your Partner’s Needs
- The Current State of Your Relationship
- The Path You Would Like to See Your Relationship Follow
- The Path Your Partner Would Like to See Your Relationship Follow
- Aspects of Your Relationship to Consider
- The Outcome
The Cups represent your Heart/Emotional Cards – when you do not understand something that is being said – just move on … within the readings there are sentences or statements that elicit a strong emotional response. Listen to those. Diana
I’m not sure how to interpret the 9 of cups in position 7 (the direction they want it to go towards) and the outcome being Queen of cups. Please advise, many thank you’s.
Cups are your “heart” cards, the three of cups shares your ability to “love” is growing beyond just “you and I”. Love is so much more than just a “relationship”, it can be seen/felt/shown in all that you do.
Aspects of Your Relationship to Consider = what does it mean when Three of cups lands here? It was placed next to the Sun, with Tower as current state. Thank you in advance, love this tarot homepage
The Wands are your communication with your higher spirit. The five of Wands would suggest that you are in the process of learning to balance your relationships – learning to move away from “I win / You win” and finding ways to create “win-win” relationships
What does upright five of wands mean in terms of relationship?